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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping Raise an Exception

Kanyon Dodson
Kanyon Dodson
453 Points

whats wrong with my code

can someone help explain what im doing wrong

def suggest(product_idea):
    return product_idea + "inator"
if product_idea <= 3: 
    raise ValueError("make your product idea more than 3 charactors")

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,923 Points

You're close, but I see 3 issues:

  • the new code must be done before the return
  • it must also be indented to be part of the function
  • the character requirement in the instructions is at least 3, not more than 3.
Asher Orr
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Asher Orr
Python Development Techdegree Graduate 9,408 Points

Hi Kanyon- remember that the challenge is asking you to raise a ValueError if the string "product_length" is less than 3 characters.

In your code, you're first returning whatever is passed in as the product idea with "inator" added to it.

def suggest(product_idea):
    return product_idea + "inator"
    #in your code, you are first returning whatever is passed in as the argument (product_idea)..
    #... then adding "inator" to that string.

When you click "Check Work", the Treehouse checker will run code like this:


Since the checker passed in "repair" as the argument, the code will return something like this:


Before this happens, you want to raise a ValueError if the product_idea is less than 3 characters long. Your code should start with raising the ValueError IF the product_idea is less than 3 characters.

Let's get back to your code.

def suggest(product_idea):
if product_idea <= 3: 
#you want to properly indent this, so Python knows it's part of the suggest function
#also, remember that product_idea is a string. Go back through your notes, and check what Craig said to do when you need to find the length of a string.
#lastly, notice that "<=" means "less than or equal to." It's supposed to be "less than" only.
    raise ValueError("make your product idea more than 3 charactors")

Your code should start like this:

def suggest(product_idea):
    #put your if statement here:
        #then raise the ValueError

Once you've done that, add an "else" statement at the end. Like this:

def suggest(product_idea):
    #put your if statement here:
        #then raise the ValueError
        #return the product_idea + "inator"

Does this answer your question? You have the right idea, you just need to re-arrange some of your code and make sure it's indented properly.