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Python Python Basics All Together Now Gather Information

Arthur King
Arthur King
1,104 Points

TypeError: int() argument must be a string, a byteslike object or an umber, not 'NoneType' --- my code is the same

Ticket_Price = 10

tickets_remaining = 100

Output how many tickets are reminaing using the tickets_remianing variable

print(f"There are {tickets_remaining} tickets remaining.")

Gather the user's name and assign it to a new variable

name = input("What is your name? ")

Promt the user by name and ask how many tickets they would like

num_tickets = print(f"How many tickets would you like,{name}? ") num_tickets = int(num_tickets)

Calculate the price (number of tickets multiplied by the price) and assign it to a variable

amount_due = num_tickets * Ticket_Price

Output the price to the screen

print(f"The total due is {amount_due}")

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,923 Points

Where you wrote num_tickets = print..., did you perhaps intend to write num_tickets = input... instead?

Arthur King
Arthur King
1,104 Points

Ah. you are correct sir. Can't believe I missed that.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,923 Points

Glad to help. And for future questions, be sure to use "Markdown" formatting for code. There's a pop-up "cheatsheet" below, or you can watch this video on code formatting.