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Sultan X
Sultan X
530 Points

To what level the web Design track will take me?

To what level in CSS the web Design track will take me? Is it a good level that I can update WordPress CSS for example?

1 Answer

Rachel Johnson
Rachel Johnson
Treehouse Teacher

Hi Sultan X , thanks for your question!

The Web Design Track introduces concepts at around the intermediate level of proficiency in CSS and its extension, SASS. You’ll learn how to style webpages and websites effectively, which can be applied to various platforms including WordPress. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to update WordPress CSS for templates and even create new styles from scratch.

However, it’s important to note that while this track provides a solid foundation, it’s not specifically focused on WordPress. To fully excel in WordPress CSS and related tasks, you may want to supplement your learning with WordPress-specific courses or resources. This will ensure you have a comprehensive understanding of WordPress's unique structure and requirements. Overall, the Web Design track equips you with valuable skills that can be adapted and expanded upon for WordPress and other web development tasks.

I hope this helps!