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JavaScript JavaScript Basics Making Decisions in Your Code with Conditional Statements The Conditional Challenge Solution

This isn't adding up

  1. Store correct answers
   - When quiz begins, no answers are correct

let correctAnswer = 0

// 2. Store the rank of a player
let rank;

// 3. Select the <main> HTML element
const main = document.querySelector('main');

  4. Ask at least 5 questions
   - Store each answer in a variable
   - Keep track of the number of correct answers

const q1 = prompt(` Are multi-line comments started and ended with " /* */ " `);

if (q1.toUpperCase() === 'YES' || q1.toUpperCase() === 'Y'){
  correctAnswer +=1;

const q2 = prompt(` Are single  comments started and ended with " //  " `);

if (q2.toUpperCase() === 'YES' || q1.toUpperCase() === 'Y'){
  correctAnswer +=1;

const q3 = prompt(` Are you learning JavaScript ???" `);
if (q3.toUpperCase() === 'YES' || q1.toUpperCase() === 'Y'){
  correctAnswer +=1;

const q4 = prompt(`Does this quiz suck ???`);
if (q4.toUpperCase() === 'YES' || q1.toUpperCase() === 'Y'){
  correctAnswer +=1;

const q5 = prompt(` are we done yet ????`); \\jokes
if (q5.toUpperCase() === 'YES' || q1.toUpperCase() === 'Y'){
  correctAnswer +=1;

  5. Rank player based on number of correct answers
   - 5 correct = Gold
   - 3-4 correct = Silver
   - 1-2 correct = Bronze
   - 0 correct = No crown

if ( correctAnswer === 5){
rank =`πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘ Gold`;
} else if( correctAnswer >= 3 ) {
 rank =`πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘ Silver`;
} else if( correctAnswer >= 2 ){
 rank =`πŸ‘‘πŸ‘‘ Bronze`;
} else
  rank = `No Crown`;

// 6. Output results to the <main> element

let results = `<p> The results is you got ${rank}</p>`;

main.innerHTML = results;

1 Answer

Bella Bradbury
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Bella Bradbury
Front End Web Development Techdegree Graduate 32,790 Points

I'm looking into this issue, but you've posted your question twice. I will respond on the other question, please mark this "answer" as the best answer on this post to avoid any confusion!

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,938 Points

A better way to handle a duplicate is to delete it by clicking the little rectangle with the 3 dots to reveal the option to "Delete Question". But only questions with no answers can be deleted, so you'll need to delete this "answer" first to allow the asker to delete the question!

In future, notify an asker of a duplicate using a comment instead of an "answer". :see_no_evil: