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JavaScript JavaScript Numbers The Math Object Random Number Challenge – Two Numbers Solution

Robert Hubbard
Robert Hubbard
Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree Student 6,780 Points

Strangely a variable is not defined on the same line, even though it was used earlier on the line.

When defining randomNum, error "Uncaught ReferenceError: userLowInt is not defined" occurs. userLowInt is recognized the first time, but not the 2nd.

// Collect input from a user
var userLowInput = prompt("Give me a low number");
var userHighInput = prompt("Give me a high number");

//console.log(`1) ${userLowInput}`);

if(userLowInput && userHighInput){
  // Convert the input to a number
  const userlowInt = parseInt(userLowInput);
  const userHighInt = parseInt(userHighInput);

  //console.log(`2) ${userInt}`);

  // Use Math.random() and the user's number to generate a random number
  var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random() * (userHighInt - userlowInt+1) ) + userLowInt;
  console.log(`3) ${randomNum}`);

  // Create a message displaying the random number
  console.log(`${randomNum} is the random number between ${userLowInt} and ${userHighInt}`);
}else {
  console.log(`You need to add a number`);

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,923 Points

The variable is declared and used the first time as "userlowInt" (with a lower case "l"), but the undefined reference is for "userLowInt" (with a capital "L").