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JavaScript JavaScript Loops Working with 'for' Loops The Refactor Challenge – Duplicate Code

My Solution for the refractor challenge

let html = '';

for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
  const randomRGB = () => Math.floor(Math.random() * 256);
  html += `<div style="background-color: rgb( ${randomRGB()}, ${randomRGB()}, ${randomRGB()} )">${i}</div>`;

document.querySelector('main').innerHTML = html;

I tried to minimize the code by interpolating the randomRGB function into the div style three times.

2 Answers

Clayton Perszyk
Clayton Perszyk
Treehouse Moderator 48,836 Points

Nice! Maybe now try to make it a. reusable function with parameters?

Since We are on this topic. Can somebody please explain to me about reusable functions?? like where do you save your functions to reuse them? is there a program for making your own library's or somehting?