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JavaScript JavaScript Numbers Working with Numbers Create a Program with Math

Dazeran Zamri
Dazeran Zamri
5,992 Points

My solution

// User input instead of hardcode
const yearsAlive = prompt('How old are you?');
// Assign another variable to differentiate between years alive and seconds alive
const secondsAlive = yearsAlive * weeksPerYear * daysPerWeek * hourPerDay * minPerHour * secondsPerMin;
alert(`You've been alive for more than ${secondsAlive} seconds!`);

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,923 Points

Prompting and getting input is cool, but it creates many opportunities for errors unless a great deal of additional code is provided to guard against them.

Be aware that the prompt function returns a string and not a number, but in this case the system silently performs type coercion for you when you multiply a string containing digits. However, other operations could have caused an error.

For more robust code, always explicitly convert strings of digits into numbers before performing math on them. For example:

const yearsAlive = parseInt(prompt('How old are you?'));

Another potential error arises if the user types something other than digits. For instance, try typing "thirty" (as a word) to answer the prompt. At a minimum, the user should be cautioned to enter digits only. A more complete approach would involve testing for the error and notifying the user and then re-prompting.

You'll find examples of handling these kinds of things in later courses.