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JavaScript JavaScript Arrays Store Multiple Values in an Array What is an Array?


please what is wrong with my code, whenever i run it, they print "response is not defined to the console " i don't know what is wrong with this.

const questions=[
  ['how many planets do we have?' , '8'],
  ['who is the president of Ghana?', 'nana addo'],
  ['how many side does a square have?', '4']


let correctAnswers=0;

for(let i=0; i<questions.length; i++){
    let askQuestion=questions[i][0];
    let answer=questions[i][1];
    let response=prompt(askQuestion);
if( response===answer ){

<h1>you got ${correctAnswers} question(s) correct</h1>

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,923 Points

It looks like you have a closing brace (}) in the wrong place. Right now the "if" comes after the loop and causes the error, but you probably intended to put it inside the loop (where "response" is defined).