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Python Basic Object-Oriented Python Welcome to OOP Adding to our Panda

Christian Abreu
Christian Abreu
3,587 Points

I run the code in my text editor and I get the correct output. I am not sure why I am getting an error.

I' am not sure why I continue getting the error that states my f-string is incorrect and to update the eat method to have a return instead of a print statement.

class Panda:
    species = 'Ailuropoda melanoleuca'
    food = 'bamboo'

    def __init__(self,name,age):
        self.is_hungry = True
        self.name = name
        self.age = age
    def eat(self):
        self.is_hungry = False
        return (f'{self.name} is eating {self.food}.')

panda_one= Panda('Bao Bao',1)

2 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,938 Points

The instructions ask you to return a string that says '[the name attribute] eats [the food attribute].'

But this code returns a string that says '[the name attribute] is eating [the food attribute].' instead.

Also, for this challenge you don't need to create an object or print anything.

The challenge is expecting a string such as 'Bao Bao eats bamboo.' to be returned, but the method returns a string such as 'Bao Bao is eating bamboo.'

The checker is also checking if the code contains print. Try deleting the lines

panda_one= Panda('Bao Bao',1)

from the code.