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valentina cappellari
valentina cappellari
656 Points

h2 and h3 class not applying

My class for the image works but not for the h2 and h3. I compared them and tried different things but still not applying. Do you know what might be the mistake here? https://w.trhou.se/2z0qaa8kwe

1 Answer

Travis Alstrand
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Travis Alstrand
Data Analysis Techdegree Graduate 47,506 Points

Hey valentina cappellari ! :wave:

Thanks for providing a Workspace Snapshot! Very very helpful!! :thumbsup:

I'm not sure if you're referring to your resume.html or your index.html, but these were my findings...

  1. Line 5 of resume.html is missing the closing /> at the end to close off your stylesheet <link> tag.
  2. If you were referring to this file, I don't see any styles in resume.css targeting your h2 and h3. I do see styles added to classes named .descr-1 and .occupation, but these styles still need to be added to your HTML elements in resume.html. For example, line 11 could be... html <h2 class="occupation">Web developer</h2>

After applying that class, saving your Workspace, and previewing in the browser, you should see your d in "Web developer" become capitalized D.

While I'm here, I would highly recommend utilizing one stylesheet for the whole site with your styles.css, importing this in all of your HTML file's <link> tags and adding all of your styles in this one stylesheet.

This way, styles seen on index.html which are written in styles.css can easily be brought over to other web pages by simply adding the same class names to your HTML Elements :smiley:

I hope this helps out!