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Python Flask Basics Character Builder Cookies

Andy Hughes
Andy Hughes
8,478 Points

can't figure out this response.set_cookie quiz question

I'm doing the first quiz in the cookies section and there is a question that says:

Set a cookie named "name" to "Treehouse"

resp = make_response() resp.set_cookie(_____ , _______)

Inside the brackets take two arguments or parameters. I know the one on the right is "Treehouse" but I can't for the life of me figure out what to put in the left hand space.

I've tried (name, "Treehouse") I've tried (json.dumps(response.form.items())) I've tried watching the video backwards and forwards but I can't see anywhere, where he covers this directly.

Then just by chance I thought, what if I just stick them both in as strings and it worked!!

So so sooooooo frustrating and infuriating. If you're going to set quiz questions, at least have covered them properly!

1 Answer

Chris Freeman
Chris Freeman
Treehouse Moderator 68,423 Points

Hey Andy Hughes, you are so close!

โ€nameโ€ must be within quotation marks.

Post back if you need more help. Good luck!!!

Andy Hughes
Andy Hughes
8,478 Points

Chris Freeman - thanks Chris, I did manage to figure it out (more by luck than genius!). My post was more about the frustration of having a quiz question that's not actually covered in the videos. I just keep feeling like I'm stupid for missing things, when actually I haven't.

Thanks anyway for the help. :)