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Jeremiah Lewis
Jeremiah Lewis
Front End Web Development Techdegree Student 10,526 Points

Bot not returning a message. How do I fix this?

So after following along twice, I keep getting the same error. I type into the discord server my question, at the bottom it says "ChatGPT is typing" then it stops and nothing happens. What could be causing this?


const { Client, IntentsBitField } = require('discord.js');
const { Configuration, OpenAIApi } = require('openai');

const client = new Client({
    intents: [

client.on('ready', () => {
    console.log("ChatGPT is online");

const configuration = new Configuration({
    apiKey: process.env.API

const openai = new OpenAIApi(configuration);

client.on('messageCreate', async (msg) => {
    if (msg.author.bot) return;
    if (msg.channel.id !== process.env.CHANNEL) return;
    if (msg.content.startsWith('!')) return;

    let conversationLog = [
            role: 'system',
            content: 'You are a friendly chatbot.'

    await msg.channel.sendTyping();

    let previousMessages = await msg.channel.messages.fetch({ limit: 15 });

    previousMessages.forEach((message) => {
        if (msg.content.startsWith('!')) return;
        if (message.author.id !== client.user.id && msg.author.bot) return;
        if (message.author.id !== msg.author.id) return;

            role: 'user',
            content: message.content,

        role: 'user',
        content: msg.content

    const res = await openai.createChatCompletion({
        model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo',
        messages: conversationLog,



1 Answer

Rohald van Merode
Rohald van Merode
Treehouse Staff

Hey Jeremiah Lewis πŸ‘‹

It's hard to say what is causing this issue if I had to guess it most likely has to do with reaching limits. Most likely it's either timing out because of lengthy responses or you're running into the rate limiter. Are there any errors / warnings being shown in the console where you have the code running? This should provide more information as to what is happening πŸ™‚

Hope this helps!