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Python Challenge Solution

Any Tips on how to clean this code up?

This is my solution for the List Challenge. I was trying myself to clean up some of the items from the original solution. Wanted some thoughts on being able to make this better. Thanks

soccer_players = []
add_player = input("Its time to select your Soccer team for the inter office showdown. "
                   "Would you like to add a player to the list? (Yes/No) ")
    if add_player != "yes":
        raise ValueError()
except ValueError:
    print("Ok, Maybe next time")

while add_player == "yes":
    soccer_players.append(input("Enter the name of the player you would like to add: "))
    add_player = input("Would you like to add another player to the list? (Yes/No) ")
    if add_player == "yes":
    elif add_player == "no":
        print("\nThere are {} players on the team".format(len(soccer_players)))

x = 1
for i in soccer_players:
    print("Player {}: {}".format(x, i))
    x += 1
if soccer_players:
    goal_keeper = int(input("Please select the goal keeper by selecting "
                            "the player number 1 -{}: ".format(len(soccer_players))))
    print("Great the goalkeeper for the game will be {}.".format(soccer_players[goal_keeper - 1]))

1 Answer

Jeff Muday
Jeff Muday
Treehouse Moderator 28,717 Points

I like where you are going with this-- you have the beginnings of a league simulator!

It's great to share your code and get feedback. One of the things I love about programming is there are MANY correct ways to write a program and express your style.

Things that are great about your program--

  • very clearly written and easy to follow
  • well-named variables
  • good program flow

I don't know if I would even want to change your program. It works and is pretty robust.

Just in case you are considering refactoring:

  • Adding a specific "Yes/No/Quit" function will remove some repeated code! And, you will probably use it again and again when you add more features to your program.
  • I would have them enter a BLANK or empty name to finalize the list. It will seem less repetitive to users.
  • A cool trick is to use Python enumerate(). Look at the last loop in the program.
def yes_no_quit(prompt):
    import sys # just in case it was not imported at the beginning
    while True:
        response = input("{} (Yes/No/Quit) > ".format(prompt))
        if response.upper().startswith("Y"):
            return True
        if response.upper().startswith("N"):
            return False
        if response.upper().startswith("Q"):
            print("Thank you-- terminating program.")
        print("Please answer with a Yes, No, or Quit")

soccer_players = []

print("It's time to select your Soccer team for the inter-office showdown.")
add_players = yes_no_quit("Would you like to add players?")
while add_players:
    name = input("Enter the name of the player to add (blank for done): ")
    if name:
        # user entered a blank, done adding players
        add_players = False

print("\nThere are {} players on the team".format(len(soccer_players)))

for idx, name in enumerate(soccer_players):
    print("Player {}: {}".format(idx+1, name))

if soccer_players:
    goal_keeper = int(input("Please select the goal keeper by selecting "
                            "the player number 1 - {}: ".format(len(soccer_players))))
    print("Great, the goalkeeper for the game will be {}.".format(soccer_players[goal_keeper - 1]))

Thank you Jeff for your input, thats exactly the kind of response I was looking for, it helps.