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JavaScript JavaScript Basics Working with Strings Write a Template Literal

Rohit Priyadarshi
Rohit Priyadarshi
5,236 Points


const flavor = "Blueberry";
const type = "Smoothie";
const price = 4.99;

const drink = `${flavor} + ' ' +${type} :  + '$' + ${price}`;

1 Answer

Rohald van Merode
Rohald van Merode
Treehouse Staff

Hey Susanna Priyadarshi πŸ‘‹

You're well on your way to passing this challenge, but there are still a few characters you'll want to remove. Currently there is still some string concatenation logic present, now that you've wrapped all the variables in the backticks you no longer need the + and ' ' characters πŸ™‚

const drink = `${flavor} ${type}: $${price}`;

Hope this helps! πŸ˜ƒ