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JavaScript JavaScript Numbers Working with Numbers Create a Program with Math

Tural Rzazade
Tural Rzazade
3,750 Points


const secsPerMin = 60;
const minsPerHour = 60;
const hoursPerDay = 24;

//const daysPerWeek = 7;
//const weeksPerYear = 52;
//secondsPerDay = secsPerMin * minsPerHour * hoursPerDay;
//console.log(`There are ${secondsPerDay} seconds in a day.`)

const yearsAlive = 24;
const daysPerYear = 365;
const secsAlive = secsPerMin * minsPerHour * hoursPerDay * daysPerYear;

console.log(`I've been alive for more than ${secsAlive} seconds!`);
21,824 Points

Do you have a question? Are you receiving an error?

5 Answers

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,938 Points

I'm guessing there's no question or error here, but this is just a response to the instructor's suggestion in the video of "when you're done, why don't you share your solution with other Treehouse students?" โ€ƒ :see_no_evil:

7,094 Points

Nicely done!!! Go further with your excellent coding!!

Tural Rzazade
Tural Rzazade
3,750 Points

Thank you guys! :) Everything is fine! I know it seems a little strange to post your code by using "Get help" button, but as you guessed I did it according to Guil's suggestion. ๐Ÿ‘ป

Luz Bautista
.a{fill-rule:evenodd;}techdegree seal-36
Luz Bautista
UX Design Techdegree Graduate 21,499 Points

Here is my solution, I left the previous code in place so I could use the secondsPerDay variable and shorten the math a bit.

const secPerMin = 60;
const minsPerHour = 60;
const hoursPerDay = 24;
const daysPerWeek = 7;
const weeksPerYear = 52;

const secondsPerDay = secPerMin * minsPerHour * hoursPerDay;

console.log(`There are ${secondsPerDay} seconds in a day.`);

const yearsAlive = 44;
const daysPerYear = 365;

const secondsAlive = secondsPerDay * daysPerYear * yearsAlive;

console.log(`I've been alive for more than ${secondsAlive} seconds!`) ```