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Python Write Better Python Cleaner Code Docstrings

hugo dahl
hugo dahl
2,751 Points

whats wrong with my code?


class Treehouse:
    def student(self, name):
        Gives a pleasant message about the student.

            name (str): The name of the student.

            str: A message welcoming the student to Treehouse.
        return '{} is a great Treehouse student!'.format(name)

1 Answer

Jeff Muday
Jeff Muday
Treehouse Moderator 28,717 Points

You are correct, the Challenge Grader is wrong.

The automated grader uses a regular expression that looks at the beginning of the Docstring for an exact match.

For example... the code below passes and is nearly identical to your code. Note there is no carriage return (CR or \n) after the """ triple quote,

class Treehouse:
    def student(self, name):
        """Gives a pleasant message about the student.

            name (str): The name of the student.

            str: A message welcoming the student to Treehouse.
        return '{} is a great Treehouse student!'.format(name)