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JavaScript JavaScript Arrays Store Multiple Values in an Array Remove Elements From an Array

Cody Norman
Cody Norman
Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree Student 3,421 Points

What is the "correct" answer?


const orderQueue = ['1XT567437','1U7857317','1I9222528'];
const shipping = [];
Cody Norman
Cody Norman
Full Stack JavaScript Techdegree Student 3,421 Points

I've tried 6 different ways, all of which work. but I keep getting: Bummer: Make sure that you're assigning the first element of the array to the shipping variable.

Also unrelated the reason I added this comment is because I couldn't type everything in the original question for some reason.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Here's some hints:

  • don't replicate the value, access it by indexing into the array
  • don't create a new array, just assign the value directly to the variable