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Python Python Basics Functions and Looping While Loops

Is there a general rule on spacing ? When does a new row start instead of using the 4 spaces? Also when is a colon used?

I am confused about when to add : to inputs or functions. Also when entering functions or variables when do you start on a new line vs indenting by 4 spaces?

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Colons are part of the syntax, and you will need to remember (or look up) the usage just like you will with the keyword names. For example, a line that begins with "def" to define a function will also end with a colon.

Indentation is used to indicate the "nesting level" of a program, or more simply, statements with the same indentation are related to each other. For example, in a function definition, every line after the first one (with "def" on it) will be indented to show that they are all part of the function. The first line that is not indented will not be part of the function and also means that the function definition is finished.