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David Shulkin
David Shulkin
Front End Web Development Techdegree Student 10,254 Points

If You're Using Bootstrap V.5

The classes are named differently:

For the span element (badge) to display correctly, it uses the class 'badge-rounded-pill' and 'text-dark' otherwise the text will be white.

<span class="badge rounded-pill bg-info text-dark p-2">9:00am</span>

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Bootstrap is notorious for being a "moving target" and not having backward compatibility from version to version.

They are, however, aware of the migration challenges this poses and maintain a guide to help with identifying the differences. You can find it at this link: Migrating to v5. Incompatibilities such as those you identify here are tagged in the guide with the word "Breaking" in red.