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Python Python Basics Meet Python The Python Shell

Uhunoma Osula
Uhunoma Osula
6,067 Points

How does this make sense

I did 5.6*0.1 which is 0.56 the console answered 0.5599999999999999 I am so confused

2 Answers

Computers use binary code, which means they store numbers (and other things) as sequences of 1’s and 0’s. When you write code, it is converted into binary code when your program runs. However, some numbers cannot be exactly represented in binary code, so the computer has to use the closest number it can store. This can happen with floats/decimals. The operands you use are floats and some floats are not exact in binary, so Python uses a slightly different number close to the numbers you gave. It performs the multiplication with those numbers and then rounds the result to the closest number it can store in binary code, in this case .5599999999999999.

To get the answer you expected, you can use the round function, which takes two arguments: the number you want to round, and the number of decimals. For example:

round(5.6*.1, 2)  # result: .56
Uhunoma Osula
Uhunoma Osula
6,067 Points

Than you that made so much sense